Solar irrigation project
SolaQua is accessible on website and social media

The SolaQua - Accessible, reliable and affordable solar irrigation for Europe and beyond - is closer to potential stakeholders in solar irrigation technologies, with its presence on the internet, on its own website and on social media platforms.

Farmers, entrepreneurs and workers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), investors, civil servants or just curious people now have access to the SolaQua’s website to learn more about the history, objectives and institutions involved in this project, and to learn about the opportunities existing within the scope of SolaQua for its sectors of activity. The website is translated into four languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish and French) and provides updates on the agenda, such as workshops, visits and conferences. In addition, the SolaQua project can be followed through the Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube platforms.

SolaQua is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme (nr. 952879), which aims to increase the share of renewable energies, through the combination of photovoltaic and hydraulic technology with high efficiency irrigation. A technological solution that can allow the supply of energy for irrigation with zero emissions and a cost up to 70% lower than solutions based on existing fossil fuels.

In the first phase, the project will produce seven key enable materials and tools for the adoption of the solar irrigation market, through the definition of quality standards and methodologies for economic and environmental assessment. The second phase will focus on the dissemination and communication on solar irrigation and on the exploration plan of SolaQua, aimed at stakeholders in Europe and North Africa, to trigger a functional solar irrigation market. 

The Renewable Energies Chair – University of Évora is one of 11 organizations, from six countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco and Romania), that are part of the SolaQua consortium: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Euromediterranean Irrigators Community (EIC), Conference des Regions Peripheriques Maritimes d'Europe (CRPM), Consiglio dell' Ordine Nazionale del Dottori Agronomi and dei Dottori Forestali (CONAF), University of Évora (UÉ), Università degli Studi di Sassari (UNISS), Institute Agronomique Veterinaire Hassan II (IAV), Gobierno de Aragón (GA), Generalitat Valenciana (GV), Consiliul Judetean Calarasi (CJC), and Abarca Companhia de Seguros SA.

Published in 02.02.2021