Chair Holder


Doctor Pedro Horta

With a 17 years’ experience in the development of research activities on the solar energy field, Pedro Horta has acquired a research background in low and medium temperature solar thermal technologies and applications, either through the development of R&D, training, engineering, consulting or product development activities, authoring articles and conference papers: collectors development, solar desalination, solar thermal driven power generation, solar concentrator enhancement strategies, optical and thermal assessment of solar collectors or improved solar collector yield assessment models.Along a 4 years collaboration as Head of the Group Solar Process Heat and Industrial Systems (Department High Temperature Solar Thermal and Industrial Processes) at Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, between 2015 and 2019, coordinated the European Common Research and Innovation Agenda (ECRIA) INSHIP – Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (H2020-LCE-2016-ERA GAP-731287), as well as Sub-Programme 6 Solar Process Heat of EERA Joint Programme CSP.

After a previous collaboration with the Renewable Energies Chair of the University of Évora, between 2011 and 2015, Pedro Horta resumed his collaboration with the Chair as Invited Coordinator Researcher and Chairman since May 2019.